Proprietary Rights

The one and only XCL and FTHT Blockchains. Anything else is fake.

NOTICE OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS: Any blockchain initiated with the specific timestamp of 1637710944, nonce of 2085969695, difficulty target of 0x1e0ffff0, version number of 1, and a reward value of 50 * COIN, producing a Genesis Block hash of “0x94e01e42b72f879cb8db253ce2d74b749c338e73e428aff2bf6dd75db6ddf316” and a Merkle Root hash of “0xa507f271f981e998c341679be851c734c3b053c303589068b004f92e79e9d5fb” (collectively referred to as the “Identified Blockchain Parameters”), is hereby acknowledged as the proprietary property of Project Excelsior. The Identified Blockchain Parameters have been developed, maintained, and are the exclusive property of Project Excelsior.

Without the express written consent of Project Excelsior, no person, entity, or party has the right or license to use the Identified Blockchain Parameters for monetary gain, profit, or any form of economic advantage. Any such unauthorized use, reproduction, distribution, or other exploitation of the Identified Blockchain Parameters constitutes a violation of Project Excelsior’s rights and may subject the violator to legal action, including, but not limited to, claims for damages, injunctive relief, and the recovery of costs and attorney’s fees incurred in connection with the enforcement of Project Excelsior’s rights.

Project Excelsior reserves all rights not expressly granted herein, and this Notice does not constitute any waiver of any rights that Project Excelsior may have, whether at law, in equity, or otherwise.”